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New Book! Build Your Own Personal Robot Assistant

January 18, 20244 min read

I'm writing to you today because I'd love to tell you about a new book that just launched.

The book is written by my protégé, Nicolas Gatien (a.k.a., "Lil Antinut").

Before I tell you about the book, let me first tell you about Nicolas Gatien.

Nicolas is a genius. Plain and simple.

He's seventeen years of age and he initially found me two years ago on my YouTube channel. (A video in which I taught the Antinet Zettelkasten).

(In case it isn't apparent, you have to be a smart-ass kid to be researching Zettelkasten at the age of fifteen.)

Anyway, Nicolas taught himself how to program computers at the ripe young age of ten years old.

He graduated from high school at the age of sixteen and he sometimes takes neuroscience classes in college for fun.

Thankfully, Nicolas has grown quite bored with the pace of traditional learning; which is why he's had more fun working for me!

For almost the past year, I've been teaching him the ropes of building your own independent knowledge business online.

But, let's chat about why I'm emailing you.

I'm emailing you because Nicolas just launched an amazing book titled, How to Build a Digital Assistant Without Wasting Your Time.

Here's why you should consider getting his book:

Nicolas has put together a gorgeously-designed book with excellent code samples to teach yourself programming——while also having a lot of fun doing it!

Therefore, if you have a son or daughter who is bright and would like to learn how to program——then do yourself a favor, pick up Nicolas Gatien's book, and go through it for a fun weekend project.


Do not let me mislead you!

Even if you don't know a bright kid who wants to learn how to program, you should STILL pick up Nicolas's book.

You should pick up this book for yourself!

And here's why:

Imagine if you could build your own Siri, or Alexa, or personal assistant… and…

Imagine If You Could Build Your Own Personal Siri or Alexa Digital Assistant That Didn't Feed Your Personal Data to the A.I. Overlords of Apple, Google and Amazon!

This is precisely what Nicolas Gatien's book will teach you!

It's freaking awesome!

Remember the movie Iron Man?

Well, in the movie, Iron Man has an amazing voice assistant named "JARVIS."

Today we're left with a bastardized version of JARVIS——we're left with Siri, and "Hey Google," and Alexa (who just offers us easier ways to shop online and buy music and apps).

This is hogwash!

What if you could legitimately build your own personal robot voice assistant——like JARVIS——and what if you could customize every single aspect of it?

I'm serious!

Nicolas can literally walk into his bedroom, tell his robot assistant to turn on the lights, send off an email, and run a bunch of tasks for his work.

Heck——all of the things I have Nicolas do, I wouldn't be surprised to learn his own JARVIS does most of it!

I was on a Zoom call with Nicolas once, and in the background a voice popped up and said, "Hey Nicolas, I finished researching the eleven academic articles you've had me read in the past hour. Here's some fascinating research you may want to add to your Antinet."

Imagine if you had this!

You could literally triplicate your output every day!

And I'm not talking about the bullcrap ChatGPT or Google Bard type of A.I.——I'm talking about getting real, genuinely helpful results out of your own A.I. tool——because you've personalized it and made it into an actual human-like entity!

This is precisely what Nicolas Gatien will give you if you read his book.


If you would like a fun weekend project…

Or to automate the repetitive parts of your life…

Or to spend more time in your Zone of Genius…

Or have a human-like A.I. (like JARVIS in Iron Man)…

And to have an actually useful A.I. tool——without feeding your personal data to Amazon, Google, and Apple…

Then here's the good news:

Nicolas is giving away his book for FREE!

All you have to do is pay the shipping cost. (It's only $8.86!)

However, there are less than 250 copies available.

Therefore, head over to his page and pick up his book A.S.A.P. (while it's still available).

Here's the link to get the book for free:

I just bought the book for myself (as well as his amazing physical monthly newsletter packed with incredible A.I. research).

I don't make a penny off promoting his book——I just believe in this kid and think it's an incredible book for those who want to learn programming, grow their mind, and have fun building a digital assistant.

Pick up the book while it's still available!


And I hope you have a ton of fun teaching yourself how to code (while also building a badass A.I.).

Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Is Creating an Army of Analog Knowledge Revolutionaries"

Scott P. Scheper

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