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Niche Imposter Syndrome

January 18, 20243 min read

One of the biggest hangups I see with people out there centers around "niches."

There are two hangups people seem to get stuck in regarding choosing a niche.

The first hangup is that people aren't sure what their niche is. They're unsure of what they should focus on, research, and publish content about.

The second hangup is the people who have a niche in mind, but don't think they can make six figures from it.

Let me tell you the God-honest truth:

Both of these are just intellectual procrastination wrapped up in a seemingly-good reason not to take action.

You see, the first hangup——of not knowing what niche you should focus on——really only comes by way of doing——of taking action, of publishing, and finding your voice.

This is why——in the first week of Write to Freedom——I will introduce you to a framework that will kill any sense of stagnation you have. It will get you into a state of momentum, and I will get you to (finally) begin developing your niche. (Instead of merely imagining all the wonderful ideas you have in your mind that will never come to fruition!)

Trust me——as intellectuals——we tend to intellectualize ourselves into a state of inaction!

I'm here to help you push past that——to finally begin to produce written output and build an audience around your creative and intellectual work.


For the second hangup (in which a person thinks they have a niche but doesn't think they can make six figures from that niche)——I will say this…

If I can make MULTIPLE six figures writing one thing a month——and my niche is literally an analog system built out of notecards——then I mean it when I say…

ANY niche you think of can work!

Two years ago, the idea of an "analog Zettelkasten" was laughable. Nobody took the idea seriously, and nobody was teaching it.

However, because I've deployed two ingredients——which I'll be talking about in the upcoming issue of The Scott Scheper Letter (Link)——I've been able to scale this niche into generating well over $70k per month!

If you would like me to not only teach you how to do this——but also give you the entire infrastructure and get you up and running in eight weeks, then here's the deal:

You need to watch this hour-long presentation I made for you:

Please watch it before Thursday at 11:59 p.m. PT. Otherwise, I cannot guarantee I'll ever be able to work with you.

What you will find in the presentation is everything I have done in order to make (multiple) six figures writing one thing a month.

I would like to work with you personally——and train you up in everything——and get you to six figures writing one thing a month.

Why am I doing this?

Because I'm a saint.

Also, I want to build an army of successful independent writers, creators, and thinkers——who make six figures writing one thing a month——so that: (a) you will happily and profitably pay for my software platform Greenlamp —— which is very reasonably priced (starting at $99/mo.), and (b) I want to potentially partner with you (after I get you to $10k+ per month, and take you to $100k+ per month, for a cut of your profits).

Does that sound fair?

If so, then you know what to do:

Watch the video here immediately (before I pull it down):


And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Is Relentless Because He Wants to Create an Army of Independent Writers, Creators, and Thinkers"

Scott P. Scheper

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